Mensagem Internacional do Dia Mundial do Teatro

Mensagem do Dia Mundial do Teatro

27 de Março de 2007

Sua Alteza O Xeque Dr. Sultão Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi
Membro do Conselho Supremo dos Emirados Árabes Unidos e Governador de Sharjah
"Muito Jovem, descobri o amor pelo fascinante mundo do Teatro. Pude entender e valorizar a sua verdadeira essência quando me envolvi seriamente como escritor, actor e director de uma produção teatral de carácter político que provocou a cólera das autoridades da época. Confiscaram tudo o que se encontrava no Teatro e procederam ao seu encerramento perante os meus próprios olhos. O espírito do Teatro que vivia em mim não tinha outra escolha frente aos soldados armados que a de refugiar-se e teimar com a minha consciência. Nesse momento, compreendi a força e o poder do Teatro perante aqueles que não toleram a opinião dos outros e aprendi, com certeza, o papel sério e importante que o Teatro pode desempenhar na vida dos povos.
Durante os meus anos de estudante no Cairo, o palco entrou no profundo da minha consciência e deixou raízes, li tudo quanto se escrevia sobre Teatro e tive ocasião de assistir aos espectáculos mais diversos. Esta descoberta aprofundou-se anos depois e hoje, o Teatro continua a interessar-me de modo geral.
Aprendi através das minhas leituras, sobre a Antiga Grécia até aos nossos dias, a magia potencial que o mundo do Teatro contém e a sua capacidade para descobrir a profundidade da alma humana e revelar os seus mistérios. O Teatro constitui um factor de unificação dos seres humanos e o homem pode, através dele, encher o mundo de amizade e abrir horizontes de diálogo entre os povos, sem distinção de raça, cor ou crença. Foi para mim um factor suplementar para aceitar o Outro tal como é. Compreendi igualmente que o bem unifica os seres humanos e que o mal os separa.
As guerras que golpearam a humanidade desde épocas antigas encontraram justificações profundas nas intenções maléficas que não apreciam a beleza. E a beleza perfeita não se encontra em nenhuma outra arte como no Teatro. Ele é o recipiente que contém todas as Belas Artes. Aquele que não saborear a beleza não pode apreciar o valor da vida; e o Teatro é a vida.
Necessitamos repelir hoje todas as guerras absurdas em todas as suas formas e divergências dogmáticas que flagelam. Na ausência de um travão moral, de uma consciência viva, o espectáculo das violências e os assassinatos cegos vão submergindo em todo o planeta com o seu cortejo de desigualdades, entre uma riqueza excessiva e uma miséria negra entre as partes de um mundo sinistrado por epidemias endémicas ou pelos problemas de desertificação e seca. Tudo isto é causado pela ausência de um diálogo autêntico que possibilite fazer deste mundo um lugar para vivermos juntos.
Amigos do Teatro, uma tempestade desencadeia-se sobre o nosso planeta, causada pela violência de um turbilhão de suspeitas e desconfianças que ameaçam e nos impedem de ter uma visão clara das coisas. As nossas vozes são sufocadas e não chega a todos os ouvidos a causa da violência e a divisão dos povos. Esta tempestade ameaça desviar-nos e afastar-nos uns dos outros.
Devemos opormo-nos aos que fazem soar a corneta para desencadear tumultos, não para destruí-los mas para afastarmo-nos de atmosferas contaminadas e dedicar nossos esforços à comunicação e estabelecimento de relações amistosas, com quem prega a fraternidade entre os povos.
Nós somos meros mortais, mas o Teatro é como que eterno, como a própria vida."

World Theatre Day International Message 2007
H.H. Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi,
Member of the Supreme Council of the United Arab Emirates

It was during my early school days that I became fascinated by the theatre, that magical world which has captivated me ever since.

The beginnings were humble, a casual encounter which I only saw as an extracurricular activity to enrich the mind and spirit. But it was to be more than that when I became seriously involved as a writer, actor and director of a theatrical production. I remember it was a political play that angered the authorities at the time. Everything was confiscated, and the theatre was closed before my very eyes. But the spirit of the theatre could not be crushed by the heavy boots of the armed soldiers. That spirit sought refuge and settled deep in my inner being, making me fully aware of the vast power of the theatre. It was then that the true essence of the theatre impinged on me in a most profound way, I became absolutely convinced of what the theatre can do in the lives of nations, particularly in the face of those who cannot tolerate opposition or differences of opinion.

The power and spirit of the theatre took root and deepened in my conscience through my university years in Cairo. I avidly read almost everything written about the theatre, and saw the diverse range of what was being performed on the stage. This awareness has deepened even further in subsequent years as I have tried to follow the latest developments in the world of theatre.

In my reading about the theatre since the times of ancient Greeks up to the present, I have become acutely conscious of the inner magic which the many worlds of the theatre have the power to exercise. It is in this way that the theatre reaches the hidden depths of the human soul, and unlocks the hidden treasures that lie deep within the human spirit. This has strengthened my already unshakable faith in the power of the theatre, in the theatre as an instrument of unification through which man can spread love and peace. Theatre power also allows new channels of dialogue to open up between different races, different ethnicities, different colors and different creeds. This has personally taught me to accept others as they are and instilled in me the belief that in goodness humanity can stand united, and in evil humanity can only be divided.True, the struggle between good and evil is intrinsic to the code of the theatre. Ultimately, however, common sense prevails and human nature will by and large align itself with all that is good, pure and virtuous.

The wars with which humanity has been afflicted ever since ancient times have always been motivated by evil instincts which simply do not recognize beauty. The theatre does appreciate beauty, and one could even argue that no art form is capable of capturing beauty more faithfully than the theatre. Theatre is an all-encompassing receptacle for all forms of beauty, and those who do not value beauty cannot value life.

Theatre is life. There has never been a time as now when it is incumbent on all of us to denounce futile wars and doctrinal differences which often raise their ugly heads undeterred by the conscience that is vibrant with responsibility. We need to put an end to scenes of violence and random killings. These scenes have become common occurrences in today’s world, only to be aggravated by abysmal differences between wicked affluence and abject poverty, and by diseases like AIDS which have bedevilled many parts of the globe and defeated the best of efforts to eradicate them. These ills are alongside other forms of suffering from desertification and drought, calamities fanned by the absence of any genuine dialogue which is the sure way of turning our world into a better and happier place.

Oh Theatre People, it is almost as if we have been struck by a storm, and overwhelmed by the dust of doubt and suspicion which is approaching us.

Visibility has become almost totally eclipsed, and our voices shrill and barely audible in the clamor and division intent on keeping us far apart from one another. In fact, were it not for our deep-rooted belief in dialogue so uniquely manifested by such art forms as the theatre, we would have been swept away by the storm which leaves no stone unturned to divide us. We must, therefore, face up to and challenge those who never tire of agitating the storm. We must face up them, not to destroy them, but to rise above the contaminated atmosphere left in the wake of their storms. We need to rally our efforts and to devote them to communicating our message and establishing bonds of friendship with those calling for brotherhood among nations and peoples. We are mere mortals, but the theatre is as eternal as life itself.

Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi
